No more Boobies?
Today is day 3 of weaning. Doing good. Last night when we laid down she suddenly remembered she enjoyed bed time boobies and had a bit of a fit, then I turned her away from me and she forgot and fell asleep. I am binding today hoping to avoid being engorged. Here's hoping.
I am feeling off today. Have been for a few days. I am tired. Cranky. Generally annoyed with J. I am assuming it is PMS.
Haven't had a whole lot to blog about lately. This chick I work with pissed me off royally yesterday. Srsly ruined my day.
We are trying to figure out what we are going to do for our anniversary this year. 5 years. wow. Ok well it's next year like february but whatever. We are thinking about going to the smokey mountains and getting a cabin. I would love love love to do that. So here's hoping we make it happen and don't wait until the last minute to make plans. This would mean leaving little J for a few days. I haven't even left her overnight yet how will I manage days. Oye.
Not a whole lot going on in my life. Wish there was more, or maybe not. As I quite enjoy things calm.
Ok so what do you think about Miley Cyrus dating a 20 y.o? If it was my 15 year old daughter I don't care how in the spotlight she is there is no way in hell I would be letting her date a 20 y.o. there is so much difference in 20 and 15 it is not even funny. She is going to be the next Jaime Lynn. I hope not as she seems to be a decent chick but nothing good can come of this matchup. I am sure they will be broken up sooner rather than later but still it make me want to puke just a little bit. He is kinda hot though.
End Rant.
I guess I will try to go work out at lunch today. I am feeling a bit bloated and miserable.
God this is the worst blog ever. I really should stop while I am ahead.
At least I am not blogging about my shopping trip and the groceries I got and how they raised the price of suger that would for sure be more boring than the senseless crap I just posted.
I went back to this website I used to frequent since I got banned from the other one I used to frequent and have a helluva time getting around the ban. i really have no clue where I was going with that statement as I got up and got candy before I finished my thought. so yea.
This other chick I work with rips pieces of her face off every time she waxes and it is quite humerous so I enjoy the making fun I get to do when she does wax.
Ehh I'm done now. I have nothing else.
Please stay tuned for more meaningless nonsense from me.
I am feeling off today. Have been for a few days. I am tired. Cranky. Generally annoyed with J. I am assuming it is PMS.
Haven't had a whole lot to blog about lately. This chick I work with pissed me off royally yesterday. Srsly ruined my day.
We are trying to figure out what we are going to do for our anniversary this year. 5 years. wow. Ok well it's next year like february but whatever. We are thinking about going to the smokey mountains and getting a cabin. I would love love love to do that. So here's hoping we make it happen and don't wait until the last minute to make plans. This would mean leaving little J for a few days. I haven't even left her overnight yet how will I manage days. Oye.
Not a whole lot going on in my life. Wish there was more, or maybe not. As I quite enjoy things calm.
Ok so what do you think about Miley Cyrus dating a 20 y.o? If it was my 15 year old daughter I don't care how in the spotlight she is there is no way in hell I would be letting her date a 20 y.o. there is so much difference in 20 and 15 it is not even funny. She is going to be the next Jaime Lynn. I hope not as she seems to be a decent chick but nothing good can come of this matchup. I am sure they will be broken up sooner rather than later but still it make me want to puke just a little bit. He is kinda hot though.
End Rant.
I guess I will try to go work out at lunch today. I am feeling a bit bloated and miserable.
God this is the worst blog ever. I really should stop while I am ahead.
At least I am not blogging about my shopping trip and the groceries I got and how they raised the price of suger that would for sure be more boring than the senseless crap I just posted.
I went back to this website I used to frequent since I got banned from the other one I used to frequent and have a helluva time getting around the ban. i really have no clue where I was going with that statement as I got up and got candy before I finished my thought. so yea.
This other chick I work with rips pieces of her face off every time she waxes and it is quite humerous so I enjoy the making fun I get to do when she does wax.
Ehh I'm done now. I have nothing else.
Please stay tuned for more meaningless nonsense from me.
At September 16, 2008 at 1:17 PM ,
Sarah Starr said...
Sugar went up by 34 CENTS!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please, try to calm yourself.
Good luck with the weaning. It was easy here, but I also gave him bottles instead, cause I'm a wimp. Now he only has one bottle (lunchtime) a day. Ain't I awesome?
At September 16, 2008 at 4:09 PM ,
Unknown said...
I don't even know how I would go about weaning. DS did it himself at 14 months. *sigh* I wish she would just do it.
At September 16, 2008 at 8:06 PM ,
clik clik clak clak said...
I am so sad that you are not yourself today. I think you are just missing me. This is acceptable. That girl though who rips off part of her face when she waxes, well she needs to start paying for this service to spare her face. She will have worse problems if she keeps burning herself. You know what I think, I think she is a self mutilator. Let's advise therapy!!!!
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