Corn in my Poo

About the life and styling of me. Uh-leak-ee-uh.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Boobies, Tickets, and old neighbors.

So First Boobies. Day 5 of weaning was a Fail. Little J started sneezing and coughing yesterday so of course I have to pull out my miracle cure. Breast milk. We will start over with weaning today. I'm really not in that big of a hurry... the whole reason I decided to start is that she didn't initiate it Saturday or Sunday so I thought she might be ready. I will go with Don't offer Don't refuse. The slower I wean her the less traumatic it will be for her and my boobies right?

Tickets. Srsly. I got a ticket on my way to work this morning. I came to a rolling stop at a stop sign. I swear that cop thought I was smuggling drugs or had a dead body in my trunk. He was walking all around my car looking in all my windows asking me all these questions... Where I live, Why I was in that city, Where I was going. WTF. I was dropping off my kid at my parents house and I was on my way to work. I am wearing work clothes, slacks and a blouse. What the hell do you think I am doing heading to Downtown to hook, or sell drugs. NO WAY! Then he took his sweet ass time writing up my ticket 20 minutes. It does not take that long to print out a ticket. I think they were trying to see if they could prove I was not wearing my seat belt but since there is no possible way they could prove that I wasn't before I put it on they didn't say anything about that. So I go to the website to see how much the ticket will be.... 220.00 Le Sigh. Srsly That is more than speeding in a school zone. CRAZY. However if I do Defensive driving it will only be 107. Whew. So that was my crappy morning.

Oh dude also. I kinda got P.O'd at my mom yesterday srsly. We were talking about little J and she was saying how that kid can go where water runs. Tis true. Well she was saying that she was sitting there watching her in the kitchen go into the laundry room that she is not supposed to be in then she watched her lift the box lid to the tide and stick her and in and pull it out with tide on it. I about pooped my pants. I told her she needs to put it up before she looks away and she is in it again only eating the tide and getting sick. I was pizzed. She was like I watch her like a hawk yadda yadda yadda. I griped for a few more minutes about it using the it only takes a minute line over and over, however we never came to an agreement . Then when I called back an hour later I asked her if she had put it up yet and she said yes she did as soon as we got off the phone. Whew. Crisis averted. I got there after work and of course inspected the place and she had indeed put it up. I am really super grateful to have them watch her I couldn't ask for a better place for her to be. They are also really good about doing what I ask. They don't do anything at all ever so they get lonely when she is not there so it is a win win for both of us.

Re: old neighbors. On Myspace I found and old neighbor from my childhood I hadn't seen in like 10 years. She looks the same. I'm fat and do not. Le Sigh. She's a lesbian now (well probably always was I just have confirmation). I was really really not surprised. I always got that vibe from her so good to know my gaydar isn't off. Anyways at least one good thing can come out of myspace, finding old friends. It was kinda cool.

Did you hear about Brad Pitt giving 100,000 to help stop the banning of gay marriage. I really don't understand the need to have it banned. If it is not hurting you why the hell do you care. Leave the fraking gays alone if they want to be gay and married let them. Geez. I really don't understand the concept of needing to dictate what everyone does. I don't understand how being married and having someone to have rights to your children or worldly possessions needs to be an issue. It's not like letting them be married is forcing you to be gay and marry someone of the same sex it is just letting them do it. WHO CARES!!! AARRRRGGGGGGGG.

OK That's all for now I suppose. I will probably think about something to rant about later.
Peace and chicken grease.


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